Road Towards Reclassification
Students remain classified as English Learner (EL) until they achieve proficiency in English on a variety of criteria. Students who are classified as EL are tested annually in early spring via the Summative ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessment for California).
Reclassification Requirements
When an English Learner demonstrates English language proficiency comparable to grade-level English-speaking peers and can participate equally with them in the school's instructional program, the EL student is eligible to be reviewed for reclassification.
- The student must have had an overall score of Level 4 on the Summative ELPAC, and scores must be Level 3 or above for each of the sub-skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- When the student meets this scoring criterion, the next step is to evaluate the student's performance in English Language Arts (ELA) using state assessments; the student must have an overall achievement score of Met or Exceeded standards. A local assessment, such as the student's reading level and district assessments, can also be used.
- SDUSD also includes the Protocol for Teachers of English Learners- Oral Observation. The protocol for oral language is designed to evaluate the student's English language proficiency in the classroom.
- If the student meets items 1-3, then the classroom teacher can approve the recommendation for Reclassification, given that the student is achieving at levels comparable to grade-level English-speaking peers.
- For students who may be considered for reclassification, the Instructional Coordinator of Language Acquisition and Culture will set up a parent conference to discuss the process. Parents must agree to the reclassification.